Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How To Prevent Insect Bites When Camping And Trying To Have Fun Outdoors

It's that time of year again, everyone starts to get camping fever.  Backyard enthusiasts are taking care of their flowers and plants, lovers of the outdoors are jogging and bike riding.  There's something out there with us as we enjoy our time under the sun; you see them in the air, you feel them on your skin.  Bugs.  I enjoy when all the critters start to wake up from their long Winter naps, but I do not enjoy the mosquito's and gnats!  Every year prompts the same question... what is the best thing to ward them off?

There are so many options these days.  You can still opt for electricity.  Plug in Bug Zappers and portable, battery operated tennis racquet swatters are one way.  There are a multitude of 'aerating' products put out by Off, everything from Citronella Candles to diffusers and electronic sonar devices.
But what should you spray onto your skin?  What can you throw in a bag and take out to the woods for the next camping trip or barbecue?  What is safe for your kids?  What is safe for your pets?

There are those who swear by DEET.  The percentage of DEET contained within a product can vary from a little (7%) to a lot, (30%.)  In recent years, there have been a number of successful product developments for insect repellents on the natural home front.  Many of these chemical-free products have been used medicinally since time out of mind; therefore our bodies tend to be more tolerant of these blends.
Those who have strong reactions to the presence of DEET on their skin will find this list most agreeable.

*Always follow manufacturer’s instructions and do not overuse or abuse any of these products.

1.)  Examples of products that contain DEET would be OFF, Deep Woods OFF, and Cutter, to name a few.

2.)  A Curious new natural repellent called BioUD tested as a bit more effective than DEET products.  Its natural active ingredient is isolated from a wild tomato plant.  Dig that.  Bite Blocker Organic Xtreme is manufactured by the same company, Homs.  

3.)  A product I have used as a fantastic general insect repellent is called Cedarcide.  It is formulated from natural cedar oils and is amazing at killing a wide number of nuisances, including at least two strains of mites that Orkin can’t eliminate.  For that, I love Cedarcide and advocate its use far and wide. I am the unofficial representative. 
You can spray it on yourself as a mosquito repellent, though you will need to reapply every two hours.  It smells a bit strong, but it is great.  Spray it on your kids, and spray it on your pets, in your house, in your kitchen and anywhere else you can think of.  They offer a wide variety of items to treat your entire home and property.  There is a link to their Amazon page in the right column.

4.)  Repel Lemon and Eucalyptus is a plant based insect repellent.  Smells and feels wonderful.  Not as long lasting as DEET, but more than effective when applied as needed.

5.)  What about Avon Skin So Soft?  Avon actually makes a version of Skin So Soft with an additional ‘bug guard,’ so even though the original did work, a little bit, this new formula bites back a bit more.

6.)  Cutter Skinsations is slagging in the DEET department, a mere 7%, so you will be required to apply additional coats once you have begun your evening in the great outdoors.

7.) Burt’s Bees All Natural Herbal does a great job but will also require additional coats after a time.

    You can also do these things to help lessen mosquito populations:
  •      Remove standing water from your yard.
  •      Kill larva where mosquitoes breed.
  •   Spray outdoors in dark and covered places.
  •     Keep grass cut short.

Have fun out there!  Comment with your thoughts, your stories and your great findings!  Please come join us at Women Campers on Facebook!


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